Skip to content DDownload Premium Benefits
- DDownload premium is the surest way to secure some incredible benefits from the platform.
- The premium version is compatible with third-party download managers, enabling super-fast downloads compared to the free plan.
- Your download begins immediately on the premium package. However, you must switch to direct downloads functionality to enjoy instant downloads.
- The premium package guarantees 100 GB of bandwidth for daily downloads, translating to 3000 GB monthly bandwidth.
- Premium members can resume downloads in case of interruptions.
- You can upload as many files as you want.
- You do not have to watch third-party ads or input captcha codes to enjoy the features offered by the premium version.
- You can run unlimited multiple downloads without affecting download speeds.
- Secure your files with password encryption so that only authorized users can access the files you share.
- Enjoy longer file storage time
- Reliable online customer support via web-based chats and emails.