Ddownload.com: FAQs

What kind of files can I upload on ddownload.com?

  1. Ddownload.com accepts all types of files from party photos, documents, audio, and video files.
  2. However, the platform does not allow offensive, copyrighted, sexually explicit, or offensive content.
  3. As such, the company reserves the right to delete or block, without prior notice, any material that violates the terms of service.
  4. If you upload unwanted material on the platform repeatedly, the company could terminate your premium account without notice.

How can I delete uploaded files?

  1. Whenever you upload a file, the system automatically generates a link for use if you need to delete the file.
  2. You can click on the delete to prompt the system to delete the file.
  3. You can also leave the file on the cloud server for automatic deletion when it expires.
  4. Be sure to check the terms of service to learn more about what you shouldn’t upload.

Can I search for files I didn’t upload?

  1. You cannot search for other users’ files on the platform since not all users would wish to share their files.
  2. Nevertheless, you can select an audience to share your files with or simply keep them private.

Does ddownload.com support hotlinking?

  1. Ddownload does not support the hotlinking of any uploaded file.
  2. Whether you upload an image, video, or content, you should not include an external link directing readers to another site outside Ddownload.

Can I cancel my subscription?

  1. You can cancel your premium subscription on ddownload.com and revert to the free plan.
  2. You can still access file storage and hosting, although with fewer benefits.